Since 1984, the Richard Dilling Award is the highest award given in the Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) industry. Named for Richard R. Dilling, an industry pioneer and former Vice President of AIM, it is presented to executives, scientists, and engineers in recognition of outstanding contributions that have furthered the growth of the industry.
Following the laudation of AIM global President Chuck Evanhoe the Richard Dilling Award was presented to Josef Preishuber-Pflügl by AIM CEO Mary Lou Bosco during the AIM 50 years anniversary in Wiesbaden, Germany on 17 October 2023.
Following the AIM Ted Williams Award in 2019, receiving the AIM Richard Dilling Award in 2023 is a great honour for serving already nearly 25 years in RFID standardization and radio regulations.
Photos: Frithjof Walk, Josef Preishuber-Pflügl